Initiate your journey
How to begin?
The Initiation in Shiva Kriya Yoga has two stages:
3 online preparatory meetings
3 online or in-person meetings
PHASE 1. PREPARATION – MARCH 8th, 15th & 22nd

Three meetings with a live online instructor to deeply understand Shiva Kriya Yoga, its origin and purpose, and the SKY Initiation in depth, as well as what the studies at the Divine Values School are like.
Digital material and a practice that requires no initiation will be provided if you decide not to continue.
Each of the days will have a Q&A session so you can determine if Shiva Kriya Yoga is right for you.
Preparation contribution: 50 USD
Meeting 1
– Day: Saturday, March 8th.
– Time: from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM (ECU Time)
–Modality: Online (Zoom)
–Welcome and presentation: Details of the proposal.
–The Cosmic Game and the Universal Purpose: The grand scheme of the universe.
– Origin of Shiva Kriya Yoga: The millennial presence of SKY in evolutionary history.
– What is SKY? An in-depth introduction to Shiva Kriya Yoga.
– Questions and answers session.
–The subtle human system: An introduction to the chakras and nadis.
– Guided meditation: Visualization of the etheric system.
Meeting 2
– Day:Saturday, March 15th.
– Time:from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM (ECU/Col Time).
– Modality: Online (Zoom)
– Schools of consciousness: A journey through the traditions of wisdom.
–Lineages of Shiva Kriya Yoga: A vision of the history of SKY from the different master lineages and their teachings.
–Mahavatar Babaji and Mataji Shaktiananda: The Birth of the First Kriya Source in America.
– Q&A Session.
– Connection postures: Introduction to asanas and mudras.
– Nadi Sodhana Kriya: Purification of the energy system.
– Shitali Kriya:Technique for balancing internal fires.
Meeeting 3
– Day: Saturday, March 22nd.
– Time: from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM (ECU/Col Time).
– Modality: Online (Zoom)
– Divine Values School (DVS): Birth and purpose.
– Areas of Wisdom: Fields of study and practice.
–The SKY Initiation: What it represents and how it is performed.
– Studies at the DVS: The teaching journey through SKY Circles and SKY Lessons.
– Q&A Session.
– Review of techniques: Consolidation of previous practices.
– Kanekshan Kriya: Technique of capturing prana given by Babaji.
– OM Meditation: Connection with the primordial sound.

The teachings of the SKY Initiation are provided by a live instructor and it is possible to do it in-person (at the DVS Centers) or online.
During three encounters, the student will be introduced to the first level of the SKY Teachings: the Circle of Fire, where they will learn about: Shiva Kriya Yoga, Surya Yoga (Solar Yoga), Mantra Yoga, Dhyana Yoga (Meditation), Kriya Attitude, Mataji Shaktiananda’s Teachings of Revelation.
This level provides the first techniques and tools for the purification and reconnection of the internal photonic circuits, assisted by the Spheres of the Immortal Masters.
Based on the Vedic Tradition, the SKY Initiation includes the delivery of Initiatic Mantras and the practice of the Sacred Fire as elements of ascension.
Additional details:
– Digital materials with an option to print will be offered.
– For those who attend in person, meals will be included.
– Each day will have a question and answer session.
– The Divine Values School is present in 10 countries:
Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, Italy, Mexico, Uruguay and Venezuela.
SKY Initiation Contribution: 100 USD.
Meeting 1
– Day: Saturday, April 5th.
– Schedule: from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM (ECU/Col Time).
– Modality: In-person at DVS Locations or online (Zoom).
– Welcome to the Circle of Fire.
– The Divine Pyramid of Values.
– The inner path and self-knowledge.
– The Kriya attitude: The Righteous Action and the secret of the present.
– What is meditation? First practices (Dhyana Yoga).
– Revelation Teachings of Mataji Shaktiananda on the Evolutionary History of the Planet.
– Q&A Session
Meeting 2
– Date: Sunday, April 6th.
– Time: from 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM (ECU Time).
– Method: In person at DVS Locations or online (Zoom)
– Initiation Ceremony with Mataji Shaktiananda.
– Mantra Yoga: Teaching and practice of initiatory mantras. The use of Japa Mala.
– Postures of connection: mudras and bhandas (complete).
– TThe system of Fire: Theory and practice. Purna Pranayama, Ujjayi Pranayama, Agnisar, Anuloma – Viloma, Bhastrika, Kapalabathi, Om Namaha Shivaya Kriya (MK).
– Guide to Daily Practice (sadhana)
Meeting 3
– Day: Saturday, April 12th.
– Time: from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM (Ecu/Col Time).
– Modality: In person at DVS Locations or online (Zoom)
– Review of all practices and techniques.
– Surya Yoga: Theory and practice. Om Surya and Surya Namaskar.
– Q&A Session.
Once the Initiation is completed, you begin to be a Student of the Divine Values School (DVS). The Circle of Fire Initiation is the first level of the SKY Teaching of a total of 7 Circles. Each Circle is passed over a period that can vary between six or eight months, except for the most advanced ones. In each Circle, two teaching books are delivered with a distance of four months between each one.
In addition to the techniques and knowledge delivered during each Circle, you will receive the SKY Instruction monthly, a compendium of lessons offered by Mataji Shaktiananda and the Immortal Masters with the aim of complementing the passage through each level of the Teaching. These meetings will be the space to clear up your doubts about the practice and have direct communication with the SKY Instructors.
What is an Initiation?
An Initiation is an ancient practice present in both Eastern and Western traditions and in all aspects of Kriya Yoga.
Every path of self-knowledge considers an Initiation, since it is the way to optimally receive the instructions and teachings of the Masters, necessary to undertake the path back to the Being.
Through Initiation, the student activates his internal conduits of light and receives a cosmic force that allows the specific practices and techniques of Kriya to have the power to purify and elevate the Being to higher states of consciousness.
Based on the Vedic Tradition, the SKY Initiation is carried out through Homa Vidya, the science of the Sacred Fire together with the initiatory mantras.
What does it mean to take initiation in Shiva Kriya Yoga?
Being initiated in Shiva Kriya Yoga means knowing and receiving the SKY Teaching, a comprehensive knowledge offered by Mataji Shaktiananda and the Immortal Masters, which contains high proposals for transformation applicable to all areas of life, oriented towards the purification of the Being, the reach of the fullness and elevation of consciousness.
When will the next Initiation be?
The Divine Values School offers the SKY Teaching Initiation twice a year:
The next SKY Initiation will take place from August 17, 2024.
Is Initiation a weekend course?
The SKY Initiation is not a weekend course, but an integral proposal for the transformation of consciousness.
From the Initiation, one begins to be a student of the Divine Values School, receiving teachings in a monthly meeting and with the possibility of moving through the 7 SKY Levels, in a period of 4 to 5 years.
Are there any requirements to take the Initiation?
The SKY Teaching is not associated with any religion, dogma or belief. It can be done by any soul as long as it has a clear vision of universal spirituality. Nor does it require previous practices or studies.
Taking the SKY Initiation is an option always open to true seekers, those who really want to find answers and move ahead in their principles of light and love.
The SKY Initiation is a profound path of transformation, intended for beings with a real impulse towards the development of consciousness. Therefore, those interested in finding healing techniques or instructions oriented towards superficial spirituality should not initiate in this aspect.
Is the SKY Teaching established within any religion?
The DVS is based on the most sublime Vedic teachings (Sanatam Dharma), from where Mataji Shaktiananda recorded her repeated adventures of light, as well as the authority to exercise her Mastery of Consciousness. It does not respond to any type of religion, cult or dogma.
What is the Teaching content that I will receive in the Initiation?
During the Initiation weekend, the student is introduced into the first Level of the SKY Teaching: The Circle of Fire, which offers knowledge of the techniques, tools and wisdom that will allow him to begin working on the purification and reconnection of the inner photonic circuits, under the assistance provided by the Spheres of the Immortal Masters.
The Circle of Fire Initiation specifically contemplates four main instances:
- SKY Areas of Wisdom
- Revelation Teaching
- Shiva Kriya Yoga Techniques
- Fire Initiation
What is the Divine Values School?
The Divine Values School (DVS) aims to disseminate the Teaching of Shiva Kriya Yoga from the American continent to beings around the world who seek a true transformation and evolution of consciousness.
DVS offers an inner path grounded in instructions of love and Self-realization, based on the principles of evolutionary quantum wisdom revealed by Mahavatar Babaji and the lineage of Immortal Masters through Mataji Shaktiananda.
The School is not based on traditional sources of study nor does it focus on teaching already known principles or notions, nor does it offer anything that is not known, is a mystery or remains inaccessible to anyone about something.
The DVS is based on successful spiritual journeys given by Mataji Shaktiananda, who has fearlessly advanced and achieved her ability to transmit a powerful and true guideline of light.
Who are Mataji Shaktiananda and Mahavatar Babaji?
Mataji Shaktiananda is a direct disciple of the Eternal Mahavatar Babaji, and has been designated from the Light Spheres of the Immortal Masters, to establish in America a new focus of the ancient path of Kriya Yoga, the primordial wisdom of ascension for the human race.
Mahavatar Babaji is the one who has granted these techniques, projecting this wisdom throughout the centuries to his highest disciples.
For almost three years, Mahavatar Babaji, in conjunction with the Mother, designed the system of Shiva Kriya Yoga. The last circles of this Teaching, to which only the most advanced disciples have access, were projected to Mother Shaktiananda from the Sphere of Divine Consciousness.
Does getting initiated imply establishing a relationship of discipleship with the Masters or Guides of this Teaching?
Receiving the Shiva Kriya Yoga Teaching does not commit the student to the Master-disciple relationship. Each student approaches the higher truths with the necessary gradualness and freedom.
Is Kriya Yoga an exclusive knowledge of a specific lineage or Master?
Kriya Yoga is not exclusive to a Master or a specific Lineage, which is why those who claim absolute authority over this inner work system ignore its divine origin and the goodness inherent in this wisdom.
However, it is appropriate to clarify that, although Kriya Knowledge is not limited to a single line of Masters, it is the Mahavatar Babaji who grants it to Beings who have achieved the complete activation of the DNA helices, that is, they have reached the state of Realization or Samadhi.
Hence, this dispensation of light must have compliance with very firm Cosmic Laws, in order for it to be delivered perfectly and to be sustained without distortions as a consequence of the human exercise of lesser consciousness.
If I want to get initiated, what should I do?
On our website you will find an Initiation Request Form:
Once sent, we will contact you in less than 48 hours to provide you with more information and get you in touch with the Headquarters in your country or the SKY Online team.
What happens after Initiation?
Once the Initiation is completed, you begin to be a Student of the Divine Values School (DVS). In addition to the techniques and knowledge delivered during the SKY Initiation, you will receive monthly SKY Instruction, one of the teaching pillars of the DVS.
The SKY Instruction consists of a compendium of Lessons offered from the Consciousness of Mataji Shaktiananda and the Immortal Masters with the objective of complementing the passage through each level of the Teaching. The SKY Lessons are designed to reprogram the most deep-rooted aspects of our negative beliefs, providing healing and clearing resources in all the energy fields of the soul.
+ Learn more: CLICK HERE
What are the SKY Teaching Levels like?
The Circle of Fire Initiation is the first level of the SKY Teaching. The SKY Teaching includes a total of 7 Circles designed by Shaktiananda Ma and the Masters, to offer the synthesis of the Light and Ascension Codes for these times.
Each Circle is passed over a period that can vary between six or eight months, except for the most advanced ones, whose study and work lasts twelve months. In each Circle, two teaching books are delivered with a distance of four months between each one.
However, if a student takes longer to take the next Circle, he should not feel delayed, since the Kriyas are operating in his entire Cosmic Being. Babaji has said that only by performing the first Maha Kriya, one can attain the state of the unified field or Samadhi.
How can I learn more about Shiva Kriya Yoga and Mother Shaktiananda?
– To learn more about Mother Shaktiananda we invite you to visit Mother Shaktiananda’s website:
– In the book “Shakti Ma: Un Resplandor Eterno” you will be able to learn about the Light adventure of Mother Shaktiananda with the Immortal Masters, as well as the emergence of the Divine Values School (DVS) and extraordinary new revelations about the Light Plan for America. Link:
– To learn about DVS and its teaching you can visit:
– To delve into the Science of Shiva Kriya Yoga:
– The DVS frequently organizes talks and open activities, through which you can learn about and get closer to SKY Teaching. To see the schedule of upcoming activities click here.
– We also invite you to subscribe to the DVS mailing list and social networks, to learn about the activities and foundations of this Teaching of Light.