

Kriya is Life. Kriya is what Faith Is.
Kriya is what man Is.

Kriya is what He Is.
Without form or manifest. Without dogma or belief.
You will know what you take, how you take it, what you want to Be.”

Mataji Shaktiananda


The Resurgence of the New Light


the resuregence of the new light

Every awake being has been able to perceive the great transformations that have taken place in the evolutionary cosmic order in recent times, being the planetary Light Vortex movement from the Himalayas to South America, perhaps the most transcendent of these phenomena.

Answering to the major purposes of the Plan, it has been established in South America, through the Mother Shaktiananda and the Mahavatar Babaji, a new focal point of the Millennial Ascension Path. Shiva Kriya Yoga has freely put forward itself in this part of the world for all beings that wish to walk towards the adventure of Being.


of TRANSFORMAtioN and ASCENsION OF consciousness

SHIVA KRIYA YOGA iS the millinery wisdom


Shiva Kriya Yoga is the secret of the evolution of Consciousness through the mobilization of internal currents of energy, the cosmic codes of sound and the mastery of breathing. It has been present in all ages as the primary knowledge of ascension, therefore, it can be considered as the supreme Initiation of Yoga philosophy and Universal Spirituality.

It is essential to take into account that there is no other way for spiritual advancement besides the mobilization of prana through conscious breathing. It is the activation Master key of all higher faculties since it reconnects the lower bodies with the cosmic structures of each Soul. As has been said in many ways in all human revelations, the breath is the bridge between the superior and the inferior. It contains the impulse of return and the activation of the frequencies of Love, which take place in the energy centers.

Kriya Yoga is the wisdom inherent in the genetic design of the human race, and should be practiced by anyone, regardless of their religion, creed or culture, since it is the Knowledge that sustains the Human Being in its reconnection with universal currents of evolution, beyond any confusion or human distortion in religions, cults or limiting dogmas.



The purpose of Shiva Kriya Yoga is Self Realization, the attainment of Enlightenment and Immortality. These words define our true nature and show us the real potential of all created beings. Especially of the human evolutionary experiment through the photonic development of a DNA designed with complete and eternal filaments. This is a pure reality but, we, human beings have forgotten it …



Given the question of how SKY operates or what it does to the human energy system, the answer would be total, holistic: it reactivates and redirects the Light vectors of the System towards Unification. However, at a time where everything must be prescriptive and specific, Mataji Shaktiananda and the Masters reveal the way in which Kriya Science operates in the practitioner’s system



Kriya Yoga is the Wisdom delivered from the Light Spheres for the first time 13,000 years ago in the vortex of the Himalayas that is, even today, the strongest Light vortex on the planet. Hence, its restitution at this time comes from focal points that many can mistake with Hinduism, without taking into account that the Vedic Tradition precedes much of what is known as Hinduism, and Buddhism and even precedes in about 10,000 years the reference to the West; the legacy of Jesus and Christianity

Kriya Yoga is transmitted from Higher Spheres. This ancient science is a system through which Divine Consciousness offers Humanity the possibility of elevating its own Consciousness

The revelations and scopes of Shiva Kriya Yoga are the result of the natural evolution of Consciousness to the firmest Light of a beautiful and Loyal Being. Through the Mother Shaktiananda new revelations have been given…

The Science of Shiva Kriya Yoga, delivered to Shaktiananda Ma by the Mahavatar Babaji, contemplates the revelation of the deepest and most effective knowledge for inner transformation.

The Shiva Kriya Yoga Science is taught in 7 Levels. Each of these Levels has a specific Kriya System revealed to Shaktiananda Ma by the Eternal Babaji. The design of these Systems is due to the progressive reactivation…