The Shiva Kriya Yoga Science is taught in 7 Levels. Each of these Levels has a specific Kriya System revealed to Shaktiananda Ma by the Eternal Babaji. The design of these Systems is due to the progressive reactivation of the cosmic structure of the Total Being through the reorientation of the DNA helices and the configuration of the Ascension Vehicles, which is and has always been the primary purpose of Kriya Yoga.
The Shiva Kriya Yoga Science is taught in 7 Levels. Each of these Levels has a specific Kriya System revealed to Shaktiananda Ma by the Eternal Babaji. The design of these Systems is due to the progressive reactivation of the cosmic structure of the Total Being through the reorientation of the DNA helices and the configuration of the Ascension Vehicles, which is and has always been the primary purpose of Kriya Yoga.

The 7 Levels can be delivered every 8 months to a year, without waiting for the preparation time that is normally customary. However, if a student takes longer to advance to the next level, he should not feel delayed, as the Kriyas are operating throughout his Cosmic Being. Babaji has said that only with performing the first MahaKriya, can the unified field state or Samadhi be attained.
Each System of the 7 levels that make up the Shiva Kriya Yoga system contemplates the development of the Kriyas themself as the great photonic charge mobilizers and also the Meditation techniques given accordingly to each Level. They should be practiced as a unit for the time taken throughout each SKY Level, always following the recommendations given by the Master or the Kriya Yoga instructors.

The 7 Levels can be delivered every 8 months to a year, without waiting for the preparation time that is normally customary. However, if a student takes longer to advance to the next level, he should not feel delayed, as the Kriyas are operating throughout his Cosmic Being. Babaji has said that only with performing the first MahaKriya, can the unified field state or Samadhi be attained.
Each System of the 7 levels that make up the Shiva Kriya Yoga system contemplates the development of the Kriyas themself as the great photonic charge mobilizers and also the Meditation techniques given accordingly to each Level. They should be practiced as a unit for the time taken throughout each SKY Level, always following the recommendations given by the Master or the Kriya Yoga instructors.
Each SKY Level has a Kriya System with two aspects:
SKY Kriyas are oriented to purification, dissolution of programs or blockages in the energy fields and the reactivation or enhancement of Prana uptake. They are the foundation of the System, since they lead the Initiate to a powerful reactivation of his Etheric-Photonic system.
Mahakriyas are the Kriyas revealed by Babaji and the Immortal Masters that produce the reactivation and illumination of the sleeping DNA helices and their perfect tissue or interlacing. In addition, they contain the secret of this science, which is the ability to produce vectors of Light to shape and enhance the high frequency electromagnetic fields that each being contains.
The primordial MahaKriyas remain to be implemented at the higher levels of the Instruction and configure the definitive Kriya System within the teaching.
Each SKY Level has a Kriya System with two aspects:
SKY Kriyas are oriented to purification, dissolution of programs or blockages in the energy fields and the reactivation or enhancement of Prana uptake. They are the foundation of the System, since they lead the Initiate to a powerful reactivation of his Etheric-Photonic system.
Mahakriyas are the Kriyas revealed by Babaji and the Immortal Masters that produce the reactivation and illumination of the sleeping DNA helices and their perfect tissue or interlacing. In addition, they contain the secret of this science, which is the ability to produce vectors of Light to shape and enhance the high frequency electromagnetic fields that each being contains.
The primordial MahaKriyas remain to be implemented at the higher levels of the Instruction and configure the definitive Kriya System within the teaching.